Japanese Zelk (Zelkova Serrata) Bonsai Seeds
Japanese Zelk (Zelkova Serrata) Bonsai Seeds
Japanese Zelk (Zelkova Serrata) Bonsai Seeds

Japanese Zelk (Zelkova Serrata) Bonsai Seeds

Regular price $4.99

Japanese Zelk (Zelkova Serrata) Bonsai Seeds

Stratification Requirement: Suggested 60 days at 5 degrees Celsius for better germination results.

Quantity: 10 seeds

Germination Instructions for Japanese Zelk Trees:

Japanese Zelk Trees require a 24-hour soaking period in a dish of lukewarm or room temperature water. After their pre-soak, we recommend that the seeds are placed in the refrigerator, along with some bonsai soil or potting soil, in a sealed ziplock bag. The soil must be kept moist during this time so check the ziplock bag occasionally and mist with water when necessary.

After 60 days, your tree seeds can be placed in paper cups or bonsai pots with a high quality bonsai soil mixture. Water soil thoroughly before planting seeds.

Once your pot is ready, sow your seeds approximately 1/8" deep. Cover the pot with plastic, and put in a warm, bright place (75° to 85° F). Due to their tender nature, seedlings cannot withstand dry conditions. Water and mist regularly to ensure moist growing conditions.

Plant 2-3 seeds per container and pinch off undesired seedlings after the first set of true leaves appear.


Photo credit of tree: Drew Avery